Airy Mountain, January, Acrylic on Panelboard / 52 in. by 39 in. /1995 / Private Collection

acrylic painting of Winter Light

January 14,1995, was a very cold day in the Slocan Valley. I headed out with a large panelboard and set to work capturing this frost laden landscape. The paint froze within seconds of application but I kept dashing down the impressions of colour, light, and form.
I headed home after thirty freezing minutes.The painting started to melt and change appearance once in the house. The top right mountain held it’s own and I used that section to steer my course for the rest of the picture.
Going to the edge will always give weight and magic to your creative effort. Comfort is the fuel for mediocrity.



Large Acrylic Masterwork. Ocean, Rock, and Sky. 1981, $15,000

large original painting of coastal scene

Ocean, sky, and tidal pools. Painted in the late summer with Acrylic on canvas.

Artist’s Description of Painting:

A lone boulder rendered in high realism holds the viewer and forces their return over and over as the eye travels through this West Coast landscape. Classical restraint in color avoids any color crashes that would jar the viewer and hold them captive. This picture is of the magic realist school which takes the everyday and infuses it with texture, mood, and craftsmanship. There is no trace of bravado. Features West Coast gray and blue color.

Size of Painting:

48 inches by 36 inches (large landscape painting)

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